The WonderMill Grain Mills are all of excellent quality. The WonderMill grain mills will help you grind easily and fast, a huge range of grains, seeds, cereals, coffee beans, nuts and many more. So, you will have fresh and home made flour, cereals, coffee, peanut butter and many more. And the most significant! WonderMill grain mills are given with a lifetime guarantee.
Summarily we could say that the Wonder Junior hand grain mill grinds bigger range of grains (if not everything), while the WonderMill Electric grinds a smaller range of grains but faster. Although, if your needs are satisfied by the wonder junior hand grain mill, but you want higher speeds, you can convert it to electric mill with two manners. With the drill bit attachment you can attach to the mill any electric drill. With the motorising pulley you can adjust a motor to the mill or a bike!
It should be better not to say more but urge you to read the detailed presentations of each grain mill. There, you can also see many videos which solve you any query you may have and also impress you with all the things that wondermill' s grain mills are capable of.